A New Communication Channel For Teens Who Don’t Talk Much

The Teen years are stressful.

Teenagers hide their stress and anxiety.

Waves of hormones flood their bodies and create physical changes, just as romances start and new freedoms open up, which create a tempting diversion, just when parents and teachers want to see a step up in academic performance.

There Is A Lot Going On

Staying Safe From
Suicidal thoughts

Expressing Individuality
Gender confusion
Physical changes
Exam pressure

Social Media Pressures
Online grooming
Dangerous challenges

Peer Pressure

“No-one can’t tell, from the outside, what’s going on, on the inside.”

Failsafe Alerts encourage teenagers who would normally bottle things up, to flag a problem discreetly. To ask for help by sending a picture. The alerts make it easy to ask for help, because you don’t need to say anything. The Alert says it for you. This is useful for problems that are awkward to voice out loud.

Download the app (IOS or Android) and see how it feels. Experience using it for yourself.

It’s FREE.
It is supportive.
It’s reassuring.

This simple app has the potential to improve the mental well-being of all your family members.

Who is Failsafe?

Failsafe is a not-for-profit cause, set up to improve your well-being. We developed the alerts to help when you have a lot on your mind, and need support, but don’t find it easy to talk about. Learn more.

What are Alerts?

Alerts are a request for help, with different designs requesting different types of support. Someone to hug you, look out for you, talk to you or come and get you.

Here are just some of the alerts in the app:

Downloading the app will add a shortcut to the alerts onto your keyboard. The app includes other alerts not shown here.