4 simple steps to beat anxiety.

Find your inner calm and stay upbeat.

People who do this say that they . . .

  • Feel better and remember good things.

  • Let go of tension in their body.

  • Feel more connected.

  • Sleep better and wake refreshed.

  • Stay positive and have more ‘good days’.

Follow These 4 Steps

The order isn’t important.

1) Ask For A Hug

Virtual, or real, the ability of a hug to instantly lift your spirits is so powerful.

2) Alert Someone

Feel calmer knowing someone is paying more attention. Flag your stress and ask someone to lookout for you.

3) Talk About It

It’s good to talk about the things that are stressing you, if you can. It boosts your confidence about dealing with them.

4) Find A Quiet Place

When you need to escape the pressure. Find a quiet place, for a few minutes. It will re-energise you and improve your ability to cope on bad days.

“Just knowing somebody is there for me; having a chat on the phone or a little distraction, is all I need to keep going through the bumpy bit.“

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